Our Story
目前市面上充斥著許多英文學習資源,學習英文再也不是只能從紙本方式學習。而在現今科技融入學習的時代,特別專為醫護人員學習英文的產品幾乎是少之又少,除此之外,許多醫護英文學習者大多偏向單向式的語言學習,也就是說不論是單字、文法、句型等等欠缺整合情境式的方式習得,因此,學習者在語用力的表現就顯得相對的薄弱。 為了提供醫護人員更多元的學習方式,DocsDocs特別針對增進醫護英文語用能力而設計,希望藉由不同情境、對象、地點、主題來加強醫護人員在臨床與研究應用上的語用能力。
DocsDocs是由國立高雄科技大學 (高科大) x 日創設計攜手合作,一同開發醫護英文自主學習手機應用程式。DocsDocs主要的內容創作是由高科大應用英語系傅若珊老師提供,內容檢視與相關內容建議則由高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院產科主任莊蕙瑜醫師協助,希望藉由DocsDocs,醫護人員可以根據不同單元類型,隨時隨地進行英文學習,使醫護英文融入日常臨床情境,進而優化醫護人員醫護英文的語用能力。本產品也希望未來能導入口說訓練,多面向的提升醫護專業人員英文語用能力,讓學習更全面與多元。
Today, the use of mobile technology has increased significantly, which has created an interest in mobile learning. With the advantages of learning anytime and anywhere, mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has led to the advent of a new era of language education. However, the current app market emphasizing improving medical English remains limited. In addition, many medical or nursing students are inclined toward one-way language-oriented learning. In other words, many tend to learn vocabulary, grammar and sentence patterns in a textbook way instead of in real-life applications. To achieve real-life application, students need pragmatic competence, meaning the ability to produce and comprehend phrases that are understandable in the target language's socio-cultural context. However, many non-English health professionals appear to be relatively weak at their pragmatic competence. To strengthen health professionals’ pragmatic competence is rarely seen in both the literature and current app market. To provide these non-English health professionals, including nursing and medical students, with a diverse way of learning medical English, DocsDocs particularly designs medical English with the enhancement of pragmatic competence and hopefully strengthen their English proficiency in the application of clinical settings and research based on different scenarios, targets, locations and topics.
DocsDocs jointly developed the self-learning app for health professionals through the collaboration between the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology and Daily Creative. The main content of DocsDocs is created by Dr. Jo Shan Fu at the department of English of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, and the content supervisor is Dr. Hui Yu Chuang, the director of Gynecology at Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital. The non-English health professionals can enjoy English learning anytime, anywhere based on various units on DocsDocs. DocsDocs enables users to immerse themselves into the daily clinical scenario and further optimize the healthcare workers’ pragmatic competence within healthcare English. We also plan to introduce an extra app function to increase our users’ English pronunciation and make language learning more comprehensive and diversified.
Our Team
Content Creator
Jo Shan Fu 傅若珊老師
“I strive to make learning a language a child’s play”
- PhD Curriculum & Instruction Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
- MA TESOL Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
- BS Nursing National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
- Assistant Professor in the English Department at the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Content Supervisor
Hui Yu Chuang 莊蕙瑜醫師
“Live, learn, and upgrade”
- Post Baccalaureate Medicine Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
- Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Product Design
DailyCreative 日創設計
“Bring creative ideas to daily life”
- Specialized in mobile app, website and HMI (Human Machine Interface) design
- Over 10 years tech industry experience including IoT, Education Technology…etc.
- Assist clients to build up the product awareness and brand loyalty